Donation Buttons
The buttons are implemented as standard HTML POST forms. The fields available are documented below.
Field NameDescriptionRequired?Length
Main Fields
cmdThis should always be set to '_donate'.YesN/A
resetThis tells the server to delete any cached button data for the user.
Set the value to 1
merchantYour merchant ID (you can find this on the My Account page).YesN/A
Donation Amount Fields
currencyThe currency of the donation (BTC, LTC, USD, EUR, etc.).
Values supported: Any crypto or fiat currency on the Supported Coins page.
Note we in no way process any fiat currencies, they are simply convenience values so you don't have to convert to BTC or another coin yourself.
amountfThe amount (in the currency chosen) of the donation.
This is not required if allow_amount is set to 1
item_nameWho/what the donation is for.Yes128
item_numberThis is a passthru variable for your own use. [not visible to donator]No128
invoiceThis is a passthru variable for your own use. [not visible to donator]No128
customThis is a 2nd passthru variable for your own use. [not visible to buyer]No128
allow_amount1 = Allow donator to adjust donation amount (default).
0 = Don't allow donator to adjust donation amount.
allow_currenciesCurrency codes separated with a comma of coins you will accept. This is used to further restrict the coin selection from your list of enabled coins; for example if you are doing your own exchange rates and want to limit checkout to a user selected currency.
Example: BTC,LTC
on11st option name. This lets you pass through a donator option like a donation reward.No
(unless ov1 set)
ov11st option value. This would be the donator's selection such as hat, shirt, stickers.No128
on22nd option name. This lets you pass through a donator option like a donation reward.No
(unless ov2 set)
ov22nd option value. This would be the donator's selection such as hat, shirt, stickers.No128
Shipping Fields
want_shipping0 = Don't want donator's shipping information (default).
1 = Want donator's shipping information.
shippingfCost of shipping (ie. a physical donation reward).NoN/A
taxfAny tax to charge.NoN/A
allow_ship_countriesISO 3166 2 digit country codes separated with a comma of countries you will ship to. The will deny transactions if the shipping address is not in one of these countries.
Example: US,CA,GB
Miscellaneous Fields
ipn_urlSets an IPN URL.
If not set or blank defaults to the IPN URL in your settings.
success_urlSets a URL to go to if the donator does complete checkout.No255
cancel_urlSets a URL to go to if the donator decides to not complete checkout.No255
allow_extraIf set to 1 will have a field where the donator can leave you a note or extra information such as shipping address, size, or color.No1
langAutomatically set the checkout language to this language code. For a list of supported codes check this page.No16
cstyleSets a coin selection style for the checkout page. (default: grid1)No32
Donator Information
These fields can be used to pre-populate forms with any information you already know about your donator.
first_nameDonator's first name.No32
last_nameDonator's last name.No32
emailDonator's email address.No128
address1Street / address line 1No128
address2Street / address line 2No128
stateState / ProvinceNo64
zipZip / Postal CodeNo32
countryCountry of Residence
This uses 2 digit ISO 3166 country codes.
phonePhone NumberNo32
Feel free to check out our example donation buttons.