Item | Value | Required? |
Merchant ID: | You can find this on your My Account page. If you were logged in it would fill this in automatically. | Yes |
Item Name: | | Yes |
Item Amount: | | Yes |
Item Number: [visible to buyer] | | No |
Invoice: [not visible to buyer] | | No |
Item Quantity: | | No |
Allow Buyer to Edit Quantity: | | No |
Tax Amount: | | No |
Don't Collect Shipping Address: | | No |
Shipping Cost of 1st Item: | | No |
Shipping Cost of Additional Items: | | No |
Success URL: | Buyer will be prompted to continue to this URL after successful payment. | No |
Cancel URL: | Buyer will be given this URL to return to your store instead of checking out. | No |
IPN URL: | Leave blank to use your account default. | No |
Allow Buyer to Leave You A Note: | | No |
Button Image: | | Yes |